The new age of medicine have come.


The last few years have caused a drastic change in the patient's consciousness and the sense  of adverse effects on medical care. The combination of this process with a growing focus on patient safety has tested traditional educational paradigms in the medical area. Especially in the surgical field, the consecrated concept of theoretical education followed by supervised clinical practice, often referred to as "seeing, doing, teaching", is becoming less acceptable, so innovative and complementary methods of teaching knowledge are sought. doctor. Other concerns are based on the high cost of teaching in a clinical setting. The level of costs, complexity, risks and temporary exposure of the training process increases with the fidelity of the objects.

The application of virtual reality (VR) technology in medicine, for example for learning anatomy and especially in the clinical area: especially for surgical training of residents in training, and for patients in pain management, physical rehabilitation and therapeutic treatment of mental illnesses. Compared to animal models, videos and e-learning, virtual reality simulations are more realistic because the anatomical structures displayed in 3D graphics are more intuitive. Students can interact with all anatomical structures, such as skin, muscles, bones, nerves and blood vessels. The changes that occur after each surgical step are very similar to those of reality. Full performance can be recorded, compared and analyzed, making the data permanently available to students. From a different perspective, supervision by a superior and patient participation are no longer necessary during the training period and acquisition of basic skills, since virtual reality simulations can provide a controlled virtual environment necessary to meet these requirements outside of the operation room.

Multiple aspects of a learner's psychomotor performance skills can be measured directly by the objective performance evaluation that is offered by the simulations. The training effect of RV simulations is generally assessed using standard parameters, including the time required to complete the task, route length, number of collisions, injuries, number of anatomical reference points identified, number of loose bodies found, satisfaction , etc.
The idea of using RV-based surgical simulators to train potential surgeons has been a research topic for more than a decade. However, surgical simulation is still far from being integrated into the medical curriculum. Current research strives to address these problems with a new generation of highly realistic simulators. A key element of realism is the fidelity and variability of the training scene, which reflects the differences in individual patients.
